Sunday, December 26, 2010


For years now I've been reading about the assault on the middle class. It has never been more obvious than it is now. Wall Street is up and Main Street is in decline. Unemployment has been hovering at around 10 percent for far too long. The pain from middle class America is palpable. And because of a rising stock market the media reports this suffering so matter of factly.
One of the media exceptions to this is the Huffington Post. Over the past year or two I have become quite a fan of this internet journal. The heart of America is poured out daily under the watchful eyes and compassionate soul of Arianna Huffington, a Greek immigrant who has achieved the American Dream and has made it her responsibility to report on the serious consequences of its disintegration.
I recently started reading her current book(audio book) in which she attempts to raise the volume about this situation. It is called Third World America. While trying to maintain a positive attitude she never the less warns of the perilous road we are traveling down. This is not an indictment of the upper class so much as it is a warning that the destruction of the middle class could lead to a vastly different America. One in which no one is exempt from pain. It boggles my mind that so few in the media expound on this story on a regular basis.
Since I believe in grass roots movements being able to have significant impact on society, politics, etc., I have decided to create a movement which hopefully moves the conversation to the next level. Individual Americans have a profound way of expressing the situations they find themselves in far better than authors or columnists or even bloggers.
I am addressing this blog post to the American middle class. I would like to hear from you about how the economy has impacted you and your journey towards the American Dream. Please email a brief letter to me. I will make it my responsibility to reprint your letters with the hope that the ship of state can be set back in the right direction. And if I get enough of a response I will also read your letters on YouTube, every day if necessary.
Please let everyone you know of my intentions and pass on the email address. I will continue with this endeavor until there is no longer a need to do so.
Send your emails to
Allen Bauman

3rd World America--Ariana Huffington

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