For years now I've been reading about the assault on the middle class. It has never been more obvious than it is now. Wall Street is up and Main Street is in decline. Unemployment has been hovering at around 10 percent for far too long. The pain from middle class America is palpable. And because of a rising stock market the media reports this suffering so matter of factly.
One of the media exceptions to this is the Huffington Post. Over the past year or two I have become quite a fan of this internet journal. The heart of America is poured out daily under the watchful eyes and compassionate soul of Arianna Huffington, a Greek immigrant who has achieved the American Dream and has made it her responsibility to report on the serious consequences of its disintegration.
I recently started reading her current book(audio book) in which she attempts to raise the volume about this situation. It is called Third World America. While trying to maintain a positive attitude she never the less warns of the perilous road we are traveling down. This is not an indictment of the upper class so much as it is a warning that the destruction of the middle class could lead to a vastly different America. One in which no one is exempt from pain. It boggles my mind that so few in the media expound on this story on a regular basis.
Since I believe in grass roots movements being able to have significant impact on society, politics, etc., I have decided to create a movement which hopefully moves the conversation to the next level. Individual Americans have a profound way of expressing the situations they find themselves in far better than authors or columnists or even bloggers.
I am addressing this blog post to the American middle class. I would like to hear from you about how the economy has impacted you and your journey towards the American Dream. Please email a brief letter to me. I will make it my responsibility to reprint your letters with the hope that the ship of state can be set back in the right direction. And if I get enough of a response I will also read your letters on YouTube, every day if necessary.
Please let everyone you know of my intentions and pass on the email address. I will continue with this endeavor until there is no longer a need to do so.
Send your emails to
Allen Bauman
3rd World America--Ariana Huffington
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Article by Zeljko Serdar of the Croatian Renewable Energy Center; Solar Serdar:
A very thorough article on the potential of US renewable energy. A potential that has not been fully tapped with the exception of wind power..........GREENWARRIORNOW
Renewable Energy
The Problem
Today’s U.S. power sector emits large quantities of greenhouse gases and relies heavily on carbon-based fuels with volatile and rising prices. The current system is unsustainable, both economically and environmentally. Electricity generation accounts for approximately one-third of America’s global warming pollution. Scientists urgently warn such pollution must be sharply reduced to avert the most serious consequences of climate change. Meanwhile, viable, non-polluting generation alternatives exist to deliver reliable, cost-effective power to meet America’s needs.
The Solution
Generate 100% of U.S. electricity from truly clean carbon-free sources. Renewable energy generation technologies like solar thermal, photovoltaics, wind, geothermal and biomass have been adding clean, reliable power to the grid for more than a decade. This includes solar and geothermal plants in the southwest, biomass in the northeast and southeast, and wind farms through the Midwest corridor. It is now time to dramatically ramp-up the contribution of renewables to the energy mix. And the circumstances are just right:
Technology maturity: The renewable power technologies featured in the Alliance’s Repower America plan are in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation of development and come with the associated reliability and enhancements mature technology offers.
No fuel costs: At a time when fossil fuel prices are volatile and will inevitably rise, shifting to power sources with free and limitless fuel inputs makes sense.
Investor support: During the past few years, clean energy has been among the fastest growing sectors in the venture capital and investment banking worlds: in 2008 global investment in clean energy totaled $155 billion. Even during the global financial crisis, the investment growth in clean energy was 5% over the previous year in 2007. The year before, the increase in investment was a whopping 59%.1
Utility understanding: Virtually every state now has experience in integrating renewable electricity into its energy mix. Twenty-eight states now have renewable energy portfolio standards.
Resource availability: Whether it is solar, wind or geothermal, each of these renewable resource types could on its own theoretically meet all of the nation’s power demands, now and well into the future.
Materials availability: There are no limiting material constraints with any of the renewable generation technologies comprising the Repower America scenarios. Key inputs are steel, concrete and glass. Wind turbine blades also use carbon fiber or fiber glass and PV cells rely on specialized materials, none of which will be limited at the levels and timeframe within the Repower America plan.
Workforce availability: Manufacturing of components and construction of the renewable power plants themselves are skills that can be learned and are easily transferable from other sectors. In Pennsylvania, former steel workers are now building wind turbine components. In Iowa, former appliance manufacturers are doing the same. In California and New Jersey, former construction workers are now installing rooftop solar PV. And clean energy programs are already emerging at colleges and trade schools around the nation.
Growth histories and trajectories: U.S. installed capacities of solar photovoltaic and wind power have been growing rapidly; the U.S. wind energy industry increased the nation’s total wind power generating capacity by 50% in 2008, to over 25,300 MW.2 Solar thermal has rapidly expanded in recent years; and the geothermal heat pump industry has seen double digit growth over the past five years. In 2008, total shipments of geothermal heat pumps surged more than 40 percent.3
The Benefits
Existing, proven renewable power technologies rely on fuels that are free and limitless. They emit no CO2. They eliminate the uncertainty of volatile fossil fuel prices. And, they’re a promising engine of job creation: a $100 billion investment in a clean energy economy over two years would create 2 million new jobs with a significant portion of these jobs helping to revive struggling construction and manufacturing sectors.4
How We Get There
Accelerate the ramp-up of clean, renewable electricity sources through new policies and increased private and public investment in technologies that work. These technologies already exist and have been expanding, but effective policies must be implemented to unleash their potential.
Key Sources of Energy in a Repowered America
Wind Power: Our capacity is growing. Last year, wind power provided 42% of all the new generating capacity added in the U.S. For the fourth consecutive year, wind power was the second-largest new resource added to the U.S. electrical grid. The US is the world leader in wind electricity generation, since the end of 2008 when we passed Germany.5
Solar Thermal Power: Concentrated solar thermal power systems, also known as solar thermal power, covering a parcel of land fewer than 100 miles on one side in the Southwest could theoretically supply 100% of America’s electricity needs.6 A proven technology just beginning to scale up in the U.S., solar thermal power already produces enough electricity for about 100,000 homes. Large-scale projects by eight different companies are underway with major utilities to power 10 times that many homes in the next three years. Industry engineers project that plants put into operation after 2013 – and perhaps sooner – will come equipped with 6-8 hours of energy storage, allowing them to continue to provide power after the sun goes down.
Solar Photovoltaics: Photovoltaic (PV) technology converts sunlight directly into electricity. Solar PV can be mounted on rooftops, integrated into roof tiles, or placed in empty fields, and can produce electricity even on cloudy days. Germany is a great testament to PV generation potential under cloudy skies: Germany’s solar resources (see map below) are similar to those of Alaska’s, one of the U.S.’s least desirable solar regions. Yet, Germany currently has more than three times the installed solar capacity of the entire U.S. due to its supportive policy framework. At the end of 2008, Germany had 5,308 MW in cumulative capacity compared to the U.S. at 1,547 MW.7 With vastly better solar resources in the U.S. and continued innovations and price reductions in solar technologies, the domestic photovoltaic industry has already begun to take off. There are currently thousands of companies developing, producing, installing, and maintaining PV systems in the U.S.
Geothermal Power: The United States is already the world leader in geothermal electricity generation, producing enough electricity from geothermal systems to power approximately 1.5 million homes. Industry experts project that geothermal development can expand to provide 15-30 times as much power over the next few decades due to recent advances in enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) that can harness heat energy stored up to 10km below the surface. According to an MIT study, 100,000 megawatts of electricity could be installed by 2050 with EGS technology that could power over 70 million homes. In October 2009, the Department of Energy awarded up to $338 million in Recovery Act funding for exploration and development of new geothermal fields and research into advanced geothermal technologies. The grants will support 123 projects in 39 states.8 These projects tap into the massive amount of recoverable heat energy in America that is equivalent to about 2,000 years worth of 2005 US electricity consumption.9
Other Renewable Generation: Other renewable generation includes biomass power, which can encompass many sources of carbon-free electricity like agricultural or wood residues and municipal waste. Advanced hydropower technologies are also emerging that harness the energy from waves, currents, and tides.
United Nations Environment Program. “Why Clean Energy Public Investment Makes Economic Sense – The Evidence Base” July 2009.
American Wind Energy Association. Factsheet, “2008: Another Record Year for Wind Energy Installations.” 2009.
Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration. “Geothermal Heat Pump Manufacturing Activities 2008.” Oct 2009.
Roger Bezdek. “Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency: Economic Drivers for the 21st Century.” Prepared by Management Information Services for the American Solar Energy Society. 2007. (Note: figure specific to renewable electricity)
Wiser, Ryan and Bolinger, Mark. U.S. Department of Energy – Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. “2008 Wind Technologies Market Report.” July 2009.
Based on CSP resource potential analysis from NREL in ASES, “Tackling Climate Change in the US: Potential Carbon Emissions Reductions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy by 2030.” 2007.
Solar Energy Industry Association. “US Solar Industry Year in Review 2008.” p.11
U.S. Department of Energy “Department of Energy Awards $338 Million to Accelerate Domestic Geothermal Energy” October 29, 2009.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology “The Future of Geothermal Energy” 2006. p.31
Renewable energy blog
Željko Serdar
Head of business association
Solar products:Solar products
Solar products:Solar products
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Shepard Smith Unloads On Blockers Of 9/11 Responders Bill: 'How Do They Sleep At Night?' (VIDEO)
Shepard Smith Unloads On Blockers Of 9/11 Responders Bill: 'How Do They Sleep At Night?' (VIDEO)
The Republicans originally blocked legislation for the 9/11 first responders. Their excuse was that these expenditures had to be covered by revenues before they could proceed. I wonder how many first responders will die before the money is found. OMG---I found the money!
All we have to do is eliminate the tax cuts for families earning more than $500,000 per year!!! What a great idea!!!
So since that was such an unpopular move the Republicans will now reconsider the legislation, BUT, not until they get back from VACATION!
WHAT??? Please folks, if you see one of the Republicans who voted against the original legislation to help first responders, and they look like they are having a good time while the 9/11 FIRST RESPONDERS are at home slowly dieing a slow and painful death, please take a picture of them and post it on your favorite place on the internet or the comment section of this blog...........HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!(well almost everyone).
Oh, I did forget to post the names of the people who also found this reprehensible. Thank you Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace from Fox News.
Thank You Jon Stewart.
The Republicans originally blocked legislation for the 9/11 first responders. Their excuse was that these expenditures had to be covered by revenues before they could proceed. I wonder how many first responders will die before the money is found. OMG---I found the money!
All we have to do is eliminate the tax cuts for families earning more than $500,000 per year!!! What a great idea!!!
So since that was such an unpopular move the Republicans will now reconsider the legislation, BUT, not until they get back from VACATION!
WHAT??? Please folks, if you see one of the Republicans who voted against the original legislation to help first responders, and they look like they are having a good time while the 9/11 FIRST RESPONDERS are at home slowly dieing a slow and painful death, please take a picture of them and post it on your favorite place on the internet or the comment section of this blog...........HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!(well almost everyone).
Oh, I did forget to post the names of the people who also found this reprehensible. Thank you Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace from Fox News.
Thank You Jon Stewart.
'first responders',
allen bauman,
Chris Wallace,
Jon Stewart,
Shepard Smith
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Government approves 4,000 electric fueling stations-----not ours!
London’s New Black Cabs Must Be Electric by 2020, Mayor Says
Tuesday, 14 December 2010 16:06
Lost Your Way-----GPS!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Just say our friends and family in the service and overseas.
If you go to this web site,
How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!! It is FREE and it only takes a second.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if the soldiers received a bunch of these? Whether you are for or against the war, our soldiers over there need to know we are behind them.
This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you. Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do. We can never say enough thank you's.
Thanks for taking to time to support our military!
Gifts for our loved ones........
Happy Holidays To All.....
allen bauman,
Ben Bernanke,
energy efficiency,
energy independence,
energy leaks,
green jobs,
green warrior,
Saturday, December 4, 2010
David Brooks Reveals His Problem With Republicans
A very short video clip of David Brooks of the NY Times giving his take on Obama and the guys at 1600...
A Really Happy iPads as low as $529.00
Ho Ho Ho
A very short video clip of David Brooks of the NY Times giving his take on Obama and the guys at 1600...
A Really Happy iPads as low as $529.00
Ho Ho Ho
Alan Grayson Jabs Fox News Hosts, George W. Bush On Personal Stakes In Bush Tax Cuts Extension (VIDEO)
Sit back, relax and have your favorite drink handy. This video is great stuff, humorous and sad at the same time. With material like this I don't even have to write my own blog. But I do have to stay informed. As we all should be doing. Vodka would be preferable to popcorn and make sure your wallet is in the safe.
New iPads as low as $529.00
Saturday, November 27, 2010
NGN Exclusive: Interview with Iceland’s President
NGN Exclusive: Interview with Iceland’s President--Carbon to Green in one generation.
I hate to admit it but sometimes things are best said by others.
This is a short video interview with Iceland's president about clean, sustainable energy. It needs our attention so that we don't forget what we do today impacts the future to the extent that our kids may not be able to reverse the damage we've done.
Iceland went from 80 percent fossil fuel to 100 percent renewables in one generation. Even though they are a small nation is it impossible to believe that we are incapable of the same?
The election's over. We now know who the players are. We must have one voice for this one issue of energy independence. If you really think about it energy independence is also the answer to an improved economy, increased employment in the new green sector, lower home energy cost's and national security.
Contact your elected officials regularly. You can phone them, fax them, send messages on their websites, use Twitter and Facebook(many of your pol's are on these social media). It's been 40 years since the first oil crisis. In 40 years we have not been able to get these people to pass a national energy policy. And even though this was one of Obama's primary campaign issues it's looking less likely that Congress will work with him on this issue.
If you truly care about your family and the American family you can really make a difference by picking up your phone or getting on your computer and telling the DC crowd that we are here, we are listening, we are watching and we will continue to make change every 2, 4 or 6 years until the will of the people is recognized.
Stay current on energy issues at:
I hate to admit it but sometimes things are best said by others.
This is a short video interview with Iceland's president about clean, sustainable energy. It needs our attention so that we don't forget what we do today impacts the future to the extent that our kids may not be able to reverse the damage we've done.
Iceland went from 80 percent fossil fuel to 100 percent renewables in one generation. Even though they are a small nation is it impossible to believe that we are incapable of the same?
The election's over. We now know who the players are. We must have one voice for this one issue of energy independence. If you really think about it energy independence is also the answer to an improved economy, increased employment in the new green sector, lower home energy cost's and national security.
Contact your elected officials regularly. You can phone them, fax them, send messages on their websites, use Twitter and Facebook(many of your pol's are on these social media). It's been 40 years since the first oil crisis. In 40 years we have not been able to get these people to pass a national energy policy. And even though this was one of Obama's primary campaign issues it's looking less likely that Congress will work with him on this issue.
If you truly care about your family and the American family you can really make a difference by picking up your phone or getting on your computer and telling the DC crowd that we are here, we are listening, we are watching and we will continue to make change every 2, 4 or 6 years until the will of the people is recognized.
Stay current on energy issues at:
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
'Robo-Signer' Foreclosure Scandal May Threaten Fundamental Financial Stability, Government Watchdog Warns
'Robo-Signer' Foreclosure Scandal May Threaten Fundamental Financial Stability, Government Watchdog Warns
I've mentioned this before, in the biggest financial and real estate crisis since the depression why isn't anyone being held accountable. No criminal charges have been brought against any of the involved institutions or their executives. This is highly unusual. In the 1990 S & L crisis which was very bad, although not as bad as the current crisis, industry people were investigated for their role in the crisis and several went to jail. The same thing happened during the Enron affair. People went to jail. Now it appears that criminal activity has occurred again by the very banks that created the crisis. The use of robo-signers who had no idea what they were doing and did not and were not qualified to review the documents is just another manifestation of these same institutions flaunting their disdane for the government and the American people who are the ultimate victims. Clearly the banks and servicers have crossed the line in a big way. While I don't have any faith in federal regulators and overseers doing much to mitigate the problem, I do have faith in the attorney's general of all 50 states to investigate these activities and to prosecute any and all guilty parties. No institution or individual executive should be allowed to feel that they are above the law. The fact that they have the resources to corrupt the system does not mean that they can get away with it. Just look at Andrew Cuomo for example. As New York's attorney general he went after Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to resolve issues which partially contributed to the current crisis. By threatening criminal prosecution he was able to get them to agree to stop these practices and sign the HVCC agreement. Since Fannie and Freddie are national corporations this effectively became a national law. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Cuomo was elected governor of New York and we expect better state governance to ensue.
This foreclosure documentation crisis is very serious and threatens to undermine a fragile housing market which has not really started to rebound. It also undermines the very chain of title documentation we rely on to determine ownership. We cannot continue to rot out the financial foundation which has made America an icon of stability. It is necessary to contact your elected officials and let them know we expect them to do the job they were elected to do or they will not have a job come their next election.
I've mentioned this before, in the biggest financial and real estate crisis since the depression why isn't anyone being held accountable. No criminal charges have been brought against any of the involved institutions or their executives. This is highly unusual. In the 1990 S & L crisis which was very bad, although not as bad as the current crisis, industry people were investigated for their role in the crisis and several went to jail. The same thing happened during the Enron affair. People went to jail. Now it appears that criminal activity has occurred again by the very banks that created the crisis. The use of robo-signers who had no idea what they were doing and did not and were not qualified to review the documents is just another manifestation of these same institutions flaunting their disdane for the government and the American people who are the ultimate victims. Clearly the banks and servicers have crossed the line in a big way. While I don't have any faith in federal regulators and overseers doing much to mitigate the problem, I do have faith in the attorney's general of all 50 states to investigate these activities and to prosecute any and all guilty parties. No institution or individual executive should be allowed to feel that they are above the law. The fact that they have the resources to corrupt the system does not mean that they can get away with it. Just look at Andrew Cuomo for example. As New York's attorney general he went after Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac to resolve issues which partially contributed to the current crisis. By threatening criminal prosecution he was able to get them to agree to stop these practices and sign the HVCC agreement. Since Fannie and Freddie are national corporations this effectively became a national law. A couple of weeks ago Mr. Cuomo was elected governor of New York and we expect better state governance to ensue.
This foreclosure documentation crisis is very serious and threatens to undermine a fragile housing market which has not really started to rebound. It also undermines the very chain of title documentation we rely on to determine ownership. We cannot continue to rot out the financial foundation which has made America an icon of stability. It is necessary to contact your elected officials and let them know we expect them to do the job they were elected to do or they will not have a job come their next election.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Save Money, Save Energy, Save on your home heating bill....
Most people on the internet appear to want to do their own thing without always interacting with others...I can understand that(why do more when there's always Facebook).
However I still want to reach out to you with my opinions whether it be the Green world, politics or my reaction to the idiots who try and sway our opinion.
So, on this blog, to convey idea's, information and resources, and to still allow you to do your own thing with information I believe is important, I will give you a topic and a link to what I am trying to get you to look at.
A while ago I found a resource which can be helpful for 'greening' your home and saving energy and money on your heating bill. At least that's what this short segment is about. is a good resource for that. If you click on the link it will bring you to the page...and short video...on how to seal up leaks in the attic. It's worth viewing since it will save you more money than the time you invested in watching it will be worth.
For those of you that want to do a more extensive energy retrofit for your home I will bring you additional information in the future. At the moment I am researching a new 2nd mortgage product which will be FHA insured and allow you to borrow(from approved lenders) up to $25,000 to improve the energy efficiency of your home.
So watch the video and come back often to my blog for new information, resources and opinions you may enjoy............I'm just saying.....Allen
However I still want to reach out to you with my opinions whether it be the Green world, politics or my reaction to the idiots who try and sway our opinion.
So, on this blog, to convey idea's, information and resources, and to still allow you to do your own thing with information I believe is important, I will give you a topic and a link to what I am trying to get you to look at.
A while ago I found a resource which can be helpful for 'greening' your home and saving energy and money on your heating bill. At least that's what this short segment is about. is a good resource for that. If you click on the link it will bring you to the page...and short video...on how to seal up leaks in the attic. It's worth viewing since it will save you more money than the time you invested in watching it will be worth.
For those of you that want to do a more extensive energy retrofit for your home I will bring you additional information in the future. At the moment I am researching a new 2nd mortgage product which will be FHA insured and allow you to borrow(from approved lenders) up to $25,000 to improve the energy efficiency of your home.
So watch the video and come back often to my blog for new information, resources and opinions you may enjoy............I'm just saying.....Allen
allen bauman,
energy efficiency,
energy independence,
energy leaks,
save on heating,
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thinking out of the box.........
This post will be real short. That's because it's a reaction to something I read and I need to do more research to make sure my idea's make sense. As you can see I'm willing to speak before I have all my facts straight. It seems all the rage these days especially in politics.
Oddly enough I'm going to comment on Ben Bernanke and his plan to pump $900 billion into the economy to create additional liquidity. He's going to start by purchasing $600 billion in Treasury's in an effort to keep interest rates low which should spur banks to lend and business to borrow so that they expand and hire new workers so that unemployment or underemployment decreases which will give us, the general public, the confidence to spend and save the economy, again!!!
Ben, haven't we tried this already and no one showed up?
The last time we tried this the banks took the money and held on to it. I assume they still have it since they just wanted to shore up their balances sheets and continue with business as usual which is why they are making great profits now at everyone's expense. Ben, didn't you find that embarrassing the last time? Is it necessary to do this again? Have you checked the world press today? They think your nuts because this policy will destabilize the world's economy's and cause inflation. Inflation may not be very harmful at this point but if your policy creates a cheaper dollar or on the flipside more expensive foreign currencies then won't it cost us, the American public---the Main Streeters more to buy goods since just about everything we buy is from China, Japan or a handful of European countries? What are you thinking?
Since I'm not an economist I could be wrong. But isn't it also true that every move you make is being telegraphed to the fixed income Wall Street crowd? Won't they be able to know what you are doing before you do it? And won't they be able to buy the securities you want to buy before you buy them and at a lower price so they can sell them back to you at a higher price?
This is completely nuts!!! Even Paul Volcker thinks so!!!
If you want to stimulate the economy put the money where it belongs and will do the greatest good. Try something new!!! Put the money on Main Street. Instead of helping the financial fat cats, help create a new breed of bank right on the corner of the only street light in town. Foster the creation of state owned banks! I believe there is only one in the entire country in either North or South Dakota. It lends money to small business' and other local borrowers who are trying to put the money to a good use locally and which can create jobs locally. Help all the states do this on a permanent or temporary basis so they can get the money flowing even though the big banks are not inclined to do so. Why continue to enrich the very people who don't need it right now? Doesn't this make more sense? And to get the money Downtown even faster you can foster a synergistic relationship between the SBA and these new State Banks!!! With the ability to borrow low interest rate funds from the Fed and an SBA with a new purpose we can create a financial dynamic outside of the traditional banking system to invigorate the economy in thousands of local towns and neighborhoods and create hiring and wealth through smaller local business'. These funds can also be used to spur creation of start-ups of green companies who want to manufacture or assemble wind turbines and all their other parts. Solar panels, energy efficiency contractors(lot's of construction workers out there can do this), wind farms, geothermal projects and so much more. These manufacturing activities are now being done on a massive scale in China, Germany, Spain, Brazil and other countries. We need more manufacturing jobs here dammit!!!. Don't you get it?
I said this would be short, I'm sorry, I was wrong. As I said at the beginning, I am not an economist and I need to do much more research on state owned banking. When I do I will be back with a better plan. Until then I hope, Mr. Ben Bernanke, that this gets to you somehow and you reconsider shelling out $900 billion to the wrong people.
I'm just saying.....
Allen Bauman
P.S.: If anyone does actually read this blog and agrees with me please pass it on through your social network so that they can let Ben Bernanke know what they are thinking. I'm interested in hearing opinions also......Thanks
Oddly enough I'm going to comment on Ben Bernanke and his plan to pump $900 billion into the economy to create additional liquidity. He's going to start by purchasing $600 billion in Treasury's in an effort to keep interest rates low which should spur banks to lend and business to borrow so that they expand and hire new workers so that unemployment or underemployment decreases which will give us, the general public, the confidence to spend and save the economy, again!!!
Ben, haven't we tried this already and no one showed up?
The last time we tried this the banks took the money and held on to it. I assume they still have it since they just wanted to shore up their balances sheets and continue with business as usual which is why they are making great profits now at everyone's expense. Ben, didn't you find that embarrassing the last time? Is it necessary to do this again? Have you checked the world press today? They think your nuts because this policy will destabilize the world's economy's and cause inflation. Inflation may not be very harmful at this point but if your policy creates a cheaper dollar or on the flipside more expensive foreign currencies then won't it cost us, the American public---the Main Streeters more to buy goods since just about everything we buy is from China, Japan or a handful of European countries? What are you thinking?
Since I'm not an economist I could be wrong. But isn't it also true that every move you make is being telegraphed to the fixed income Wall Street crowd? Won't they be able to know what you are doing before you do it? And won't they be able to buy the securities you want to buy before you buy them and at a lower price so they can sell them back to you at a higher price?
This is completely nuts!!! Even Paul Volcker thinks so!!!
If you want to stimulate the economy put the money where it belongs and will do the greatest good. Try something new!!! Put the money on Main Street. Instead of helping the financial fat cats, help create a new breed of bank right on the corner of the only street light in town. Foster the creation of state owned banks! I believe there is only one in the entire country in either North or South Dakota. It lends money to small business' and other local borrowers who are trying to put the money to a good use locally and which can create jobs locally. Help all the states do this on a permanent or temporary basis so they can get the money flowing even though the big banks are not inclined to do so. Why continue to enrich the very people who don't need it right now? Doesn't this make more sense? And to get the money Downtown even faster you can foster a synergistic relationship between the SBA and these new State Banks!!! With the ability to borrow low interest rate funds from the Fed and an SBA with a new purpose we can create a financial dynamic outside of the traditional banking system to invigorate the economy in thousands of local towns and neighborhoods and create hiring and wealth through smaller local business'. These funds can also be used to spur creation of start-ups of green companies who want to manufacture or assemble wind turbines and all their other parts. Solar panels, energy efficiency contractors(lot's of construction workers out there can do this), wind farms, geothermal projects and so much more. These manufacturing activities are now being done on a massive scale in China, Germany, Spain, Brazil and other countries. We need more manufacturing jobs here dammit!!!. Don't you get it?
I said this would be short, I'm sorry, I was wrong. As I said at the beginning, I am not an economist and I need to do much more research on state owned banking. When I do I will be back with a better plan. Until then I hope, Mr. Ben Bernanke, that this gets to you somehow and you reconsider shelling out $900 billion to the wrong people.
I'm just saying.....
Allen Bauman
P.S.: If anyone does actually read this blog and agrees with me please pass it on through your social network so that they can let Ben Bernanke know what they are thinking. I'm interested in hearing opinions also......Thanks
allen bauman,
Ben Bernanke,
green jobs,
green warrior,
Main Street,
solar power,
Wall Street,
wind power
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Real Estate--Doom and Gloom or a Land Rush?
The new game in town is doom and gloom. All the visual media--cable, broadcast tv, etc.--have been into it for months now. It's a new way to report the same old stories and yet get people excited(nervous). Now the NY Times is joining the band! Let's not fall for all of this. Yes the housing market is in the crapper. But one man's trash is another man's gold. In the New York market where I work as an appraiser and agent(Queens and Nassau Counties) investors have been extremely active. Some people call them "house flippers". They perceive real value at these prices. And this type of real estate investor provides real value. They buy neglected homes, fix them up so that they virtually become the best house on the block and resell them at fair prices. If you want to create stability this is one way to do it. This is the market at work despite the politicians.
Stability can be created at these levels. Outstanding mortgages can be refinanced--with subsidized closing costs--by extending maturities. Forty year mortgages have been around for a long time. The Japanese have 100 year mortgages available because housing costs are prohibitive. Temporary programs should be developed to extend mortgage maturities in 10 year increments up to 100 years. Home owners don't want to walk away from their homes! People have to live somewhere. If monthly payments were equal to rental rates banks would not have to worry about strategic defaults. Stop playing games!!! Contact your elected officials at all levels and tell them to get off their butts and act like decent human beings or THEY will be the ones looking for a new place to live(and work).
By the way, if you are looking for a good deal on a home to live in and for investment, drop me a line. IT'S A GREAT TIME TO BUY!!!
Stability can be created at these levels. Outstanding mortgages can be refinanced--with subsidized closing costs--by extending maturities. Forty year mortgages have been around for a long time. The Japanese have 100 year mortgages available because housing costs are prohibitive. Temporary programs should be developed to extend mortgage maturities in 10 year increments up to 100 years. Home owners don't want to walk away from their homes! People have to live somewhere. If monthly payments were equal to rental rates banks would not have to worry about strategic defaults. Stop playing games!!! Contact your elected officials at all levels and tell them to get off their butts and act like decent human beings or THEY will be the ones looking for a new place to live(and work).
By the way, if you are looking for a good deal on a home to live in and for investment, drop me a line. IT'S A GREAT TIME TO BUY!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
We need your help........
There are so many issues being distorted by right wingers, tea partyers and so called strict constructionist followers of the Constitution.
The time has come to be involved with grass roots movements in your community. It will take little time to be involved and you can do as little as signing on-line petitions to our political leaders or you can become an involved activist.
If you live on Long Island(NY), specifically Nassau County contact me to discuss how you can help. It really feels good to be part of a grass roots movement and we can do some good for the people of our county and America. E-mail me at if you have an interest in the following subjects or organizations:
Democratic politics
Energy independence
Energy conservation
Green issues
Real estate tax reduction
Taking back control of our government through the election process
Supporting local candidates
Issues affecting Long Island
Grass roots politics
The time has come to be involved with grass roots movements in your community. It will take little time to be involved and you can do as little as signing on-line petitions to our political leaders or you can become an involved activist.
If you live on Long Island(NY), specifically Nassau County contact me to discuss how you can help. It really feels good to be part of a grass roots movement and we can do some good for the people of our county and America. E-mail me at if you have an interest in the following subjects or organizations:
Democratic politics
Energy independence
Energy conservation
Green issues
Real estate tax reduction
Taking back control of our government through the election process
Supporting local candidates
Issues affecting Long Island
Grass roots politics
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